William has ten years of experience in remote sensing, spatial data, and machine learning as a researcher, educator, and developer. Will is EarthDaily's technical product manager, connecting users to the EarthDaily Constellation data. His foundational knowledge of statistics and natural systems has provided him with a highly flexible skillset.
Specializing in statistical machine learning of big data, he has applied his abilities to multiple domains. His current role focuses on developing advanced products that exploit big data and remote sensing for applications such as agriculture, geology, wetlands, forestry, and other land cover-based applications. He works closely with various stakeholders, including end-users and domain experts in industry, government, and academia, to discover how to address the information needs of the next generation of remote sensing users.
Sessions in which William Parkinson participates
Wednesday 15 May, 2024
Climate change presents an array of unprecedented challenges to global resilience and sustainability. As the urgency to address these challenges increases, the role of geomatics as a cornerstone technology for enabling climate resilience becomes ever more significant. This panel discussion, moderated by Tanya Harrison of the Earth & Planetary Institute of Canada, will explore the transformative potential of geomatics in bolstering climate resilience.