Liz attended the University of Western Ontario for Media, Information and Technoculture and has focussed the bulk of her career in technical sales from IT research and analysis to global telecom network wholesale. Liz's expertise in facilitating the network expansion of tier 1 carriers into non-incumbent territories has translated into the development of utility and municipal networks. When Liz isn't gardening, you can find her hiking with her cat Jinx.
Sessions in which Liz Neziol participates
Wednesday 15 May, 2024
Utilities, telecoms and municipalities are faced with increasing pressure to build infrastructure faster to meet the demands of new provincial legislature. The building broadband, transit and new homes faster acts were enacted to support the ever increasing needs of Canadian population growth from immigration. Learning how to securely faciliate the expansion of utility services required to meet the needs of a growing population is something that all utility, telecom and municipal ...