Ms Cécile Théard-Jallu
With a profile in IT, data protection, healthcare, commercial and intellectual property law, Cécile Théard-Jallu has developed a strong experience for international players in the private and public sectors, including major American and European structures, particularly in the fields of health & life sciences, medico-social, insurance, mobility, environment and more generally the digital economy.
She helps clients implement regulations in the design and provision of their innovative products and services, including on R&D, including clinical trials, market access, compliance, transparency topics, manufacturing or vigilance issues. She is also active in assisting them in defining and enforcing their digital strategy (IoT, Connected devices, Cloud/Edge/5G, Artificial Intelligence, Big & Smart Data, Blockchain, (Social) Robotics, 3D Printing, Smart Healthy Cities, Cybersecurity, Connected & autonomous vehicles, online marketing ...).
She focuses on complex contractual transactions, including R&D and consortium, technology transfers, licensing deals or technology change related projects, with or without public funding. In addition, she advises clients on the engineering, design, negotiation and implementation of their commercial, IT, technological or industrial contracts.
Officially certified as trained to help businesses under the Europrivacy TM/® GDPR certification scheme, she practices data protection law on a daily basis, in all types of missions including: training, hot lines for DPOs, regulatory, contractual and operational audits, authorization applications with the French data protection authority, control procedure assistance, drafting of GDPR documentation, negotiations of DPAs, conduct of data privacy impact assessments, risks analysis, cyber security prevention plans and crisis management, cybersecurity regulations related assistance or international transfers in a variety of economic sectors (healthcare, mobility, retail, luxury goods, real estate, environment, energy, digital advertising, AI publishing, sports, telecommunications …).
She has solid experience in cross-boarder project management, involving the coordination of multiple teams from different jurisdictions. This is the case for instance on healthcare regulatory or data protection issues.
She worked for over one year in Washington DC as a seconded lawyer within Covington & Burling LLP and as a seconded lawyer with one of the world’s leading medical equipment companies.
As co-chair and Officer of the Healthcare & Life Sciences Law Committee of the International Bar Association (IBA), she is co-chairing its annual World Life Sciences Conference (WLSC).
She has been included for several years in the Legal 500, Chambers and Best Lawyers rankings in healthcare regulations and data protection categories for France.
She teaches AI law in health at the University of Bourgogne.
She has been selected as an expert for France in the European TEHDAS program (European Health Data Space).
Cécile holds a Master Degree in Business Law from Paris-X University and Postgraduate Degree (DESS- DJCE) in Business Law from the Universities of Cergy-Pontoise & Montpellier (1995) and holds a Four Year Applied Study Degree in English Law from Paris-X University (1994).
Sessions in which Ms Cécile Théard-Jallu participates
Monday 10 June, 2024
Introduction Digital transformation is heading towards growing data integrations in the form of large-scale data spaces. In line with the European data space strategy, this session will discuss the implications in terms of privacy and data protection, as well as present insights from European research projects, such as AD4GD and IDEA4RC. The panel will provide guidance on how to best ...
Friday 14 June, 2024
Introduction This session will review the interplay among European regulations for health and medical data. The panel will discuss how the regulatory framework shapes the future of medical research and innovation, with a special focus on the interplay between the AI Act, Medical Device Regulation (MDR), and the European Health Data Space (EHDS), and their collective impact on medical ...