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Mr Luigi Montuori

Director of Healthcare and Public Administration
Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali
Participates in 2 items

Luigi Montuori, after qualifying for the Bar, joined the civil service at the Ministry of Economy.

After moving to the Italian DPA (1997), he has been the Head of the Legal Matters Department (Communications and IT Networks) since 2004 and acted as Head of Secretary office to the Board of Commissioners from 2007 to 2021. He was appointed deputy to the Secretary General in 2010/2012. From January 2016 to 2023 Head of Service for International and EU Matters of the Garante. In this role he participated first in the plenaries of WP29 and then in those of the European Data Protections Board. Since 2024 is the Director of the Department of Health and Scientifical reserch of the same Authority.

He holds a master’s degree based on a scholarship by the National Institute for Foreign Trade and specialized in Legal Interpretation and Computer Science at Rome’s La Sapienza University.

He held courses at Rome’s La Sapienza University (Master di II livello in “diritto dell’informatica” computer law and legal drafting techniques); Roma Tre University (Master di II livello in “data protection officer e privacy expert”) and LMM on Law of Internet Technologies at Bocconi University.
He has authored many scientific papers in particular concerning privacy and contract law in the public sector.

Sessions in which Mr Luigi Montuori participates

Monday 10 June, 2024

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Rome
9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | 1 hour 30 minutes
Data Protection in Italy
Sessions available in Italian

Wednesday 12 June, 2024

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Rome
4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | 1 hour 30 minutes
Deep Dive In
Capacity BuildingInnovative Technologies

Introduction Supervisory Authorities play a crucial role in providing guidance and resources to facilitate compliance, and this session highlights their cutting-edge initiatives and tools to achieve that. The panel will unveil the latest innovative tools developed by these authorities to support compliance efforts and enhance regulatory transparency. Attendees will learn about ho...