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Democratic Oversight of Privacy and Government Access to Personal Data

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4:30 PM, Monday 10 Jun 2024 (1 hour)
Privacy and Democracy


Democratic societies must address dual obligations: to protect their population and to preserve the fundamental rights of their citizens. They seek to balance national security interests with the protection of civil liberties by ensuring proportionality and democratic oversight of government access. This session will explore the complex interplay between national security and privacy. With this expert-led panel, you will explore the challenges, best practices, and implications of national security and access to personal data in the context of democratic societies.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • How do democratic societies strike the right balance between national security and the right to privacy?  
  • What are the good practices and guiding principles to preserve and protect democratic principles in national security? 
  • What are the key challenges in establishing transparent and accountable frameworks for government surveillance activities? 

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