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The Future of DPO and Data Compliance Professionals

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9:40 AM, Monday 10 Jun 2024 (50 minutes)
Coffee Break at Venice Eat (Track II, III, IV)   10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutes)
Coffee Break at Caffè Rosso (Track I)   10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutes)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Aula Mario Baratto
DPO Cooperation


The constant and rapid evolution of the digital landscape directly influences the roles and responsibilities of professionals tasked with safeguarding data privacy and ensuring regulatory compliance. This is especially highlighted by recent EU legislations, such as the Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Data Act, Data Governance Act, together with European Data Spaces and initiatives that focus on regulating Artificial Intelligence. In this session, the panel will explore the emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities facing DPOs and Data Compliance Professionals, and discuss strategies for navigating and shaping the future of this dynamic field.  

Key questions and objectives 

  • Regulators’ perspective: How do Data Protection Authorities perceive the future tasks to be performed by DPOs and Data Compliance Professionals? 
  • International convergence and disparities: Are there notable differences in the roles and responsibilities of DPOs and Data Compliance Professionals across different countries and institutions? 
  • Future readiness: What strategies can DPOs and Data Compliance Professionals employ to equip themselves for the forthcoming evolution of their roles amidst changing regulatory frameworks and technological advancements? 

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