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European Data Regulations Interplay and Oversight in Practice

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11:45 AM, Thursday 13 Jun 2024 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Lunch Break at San Giovanni Evangelista   01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (1 hour)
Ca' Dolfin - Aula Magna
Data Protection in Practice


From the GDPR to the ePrivacy Directive and beyond, Europe has established a comprehensive regulatory framework for data processing, some of which have their own implementation scheme with dedicated bodies. This session will discuss data regulations interplay and oversight in practice. 

Key questions and objectives 

  • How will the various European regulations work and interplay in practice?  
  • Which authority and regulation will take precedence when there is an overlap, for instance in case of data breach, or AI applied to personal data? 
  • How can organizations ensure compliance with multiple European data regulations? 
  • How does the evolving landscape of European data regulations impact compliance obligations and effectiveness? 
  • What is the future of European data regulations like? 

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