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Privacy and Security in Applied Innovative Learning

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4:30 PM, Monday 10 Jun 2024 (1 hour)
Scientific Track
Network information systems are turned into a commodity. Virtually all businesses depend on their trustworthy and reliable function. Hence, we observe an increasing demand of ICT professionals with operationalizable knowledgeable in IT security and privacy.

This closing panel of our scientific track aims to explore the challenges and opportunities in preparing the future workforce with the necessary skills to address privacy and cybersecurity threats effectively.

To this end, the panel will reflect on two important dimensions: First, how to train prospective professionals on the topics by discussing the importance of integrating aspects of Applied Reseach and Innovation methods to enhance IT security training into vocational education programs. Moreover, the panel will delve into the significance of applied research in privacy as a valuable resource in the realm of IT security, i.e. applied and innovative research not only enhances our understanding of data protection, but also informs the development of robust security measures to mitigate risks. 

Second, digital tools fostering collaboration between educators, researchers, and industry professionals, will help to  better equip the workforce with the skills needed to navigate the complex IT security landscape effectively. These tools need to be trusted by students and educators alike. The panel will reflect on the importance of privacy and security in digital tools in the class room. We will discuss how privacy aware digitalisation of education can help to create a safe space for students to nurture fehlerkultur and open exchange as tools for learning and teaching.

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