Jan Höller is a Research Fellow at Ericsson where he is driving technology and research strategies and corresponding activities around IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems. He has over the years also contributed to corporate and product division strategies in the field. He established Ericsson’s research activities on IoT in 2006 and has been active in a number of research collaborations with academia and industrials. Jan is a co-author of the book "Internet of Things: Technologies and Applications for a New Age of Intelligence" that was recently released in its 2nd edition by Elsevier. He has held various positions in Strategic Product Management, Technology Management and has, since he joined Ericsson Research in 1999, led different research activities and research groups. Jan currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Open Mobile Alliance and is a co-chair of the Networking Task Group in the Industrial Internet Consortium.
Sessions in which Mr Jan Höller participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Much of the potential of the IoT will be realised through value-added services, but this is being held back by fragmentation and limited interoperability. W3C is addressing this through developing web standards for things that decouple applications from the underlying IoT technologies. Applications will no longer need to be developed around the details of the myriad IoT technologies and standards. This means that developers can create applications more easily, ...