Christian Mercado
Christian Mercado is Head of Unit for Digital Innovation at The Health Innovation Center of Southern Denmark with a demonstrated history of working with digitalization within the public sector. Focus on digital innovation across sector boundaries in the healthcare sector by employing public-private cooperation. My mission is to facilitate social change through digital innovation in the healthcare sector. Christian holds an M.Sc. in Games from the IT-University of Copenhagen.
Sessions in which Christian Mercado participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Modern hospitals are developing into large complex healthcare “cities” where demand for efficiency has cut down man power, storage areas, beds, and clinical equipment. This means that despite being complex and in lack of resources, the modern hospital has to act agile and focus on just-in-time logistics. The IoT platform handles tracking and location data, which is the key element in making this possible. Mikkel Harbo has been working with so...