Aarhus Vand Ltd. is one of the leading companies in the Danish water sector, and the company works with the entire lifecycle of water – from when consumers turn on the tap for a drink of fresh water until the purified wastewater from households and industries is returned to nature. Aarhus Water Ltd. is owned 100% by Aarhus Municipality and is a company based on alegal presumption that we must not present a profit, but shall balance prices with actual costs.
Cooperating closely with the Municipality of Aarhus, Aarhus Water is in charge of the planning and execution of a wide variety of environmental and urban development projects which take climate changes into consideration. This requires intelligent and future-proof solutions. Therefore, Lars Schroeder and Aarhus Water has a long-standing tradition of taking part in research and development projects at home and abroad to be at the forefront of both knowledge and technology in the water and wastewater industry.
Sessions in which Lars Schrøder participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
With urbanization and the effect of climate changes, we are moving towards a world where hydro-political issues may become a reality. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel as some of the most crucial challenges of water management and conservation could be addressed by leveraging IoT and AI-based technologies. Thus, by using the tools related to predictive analytics within the domains of AI and IoT, to keep track of the history of water consumption and anticipate future usage pa...