Martucci Junior, Moacyr, Full professor at the Department of Engineering and Digital Systems at Escola Politecnica of University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the Coordinator of the Institute for Studies Brazil Europe, a Research Support Nucleus under the Research Pro-rectory of the USP and Deputy Dean of the Institute of International Relations of University of Sao Paulo.
Martucci is also the coordinator of the Brazilian structure of National Contact Point for Program Horizon 2020 and the Brazilian NCP for ERC (European Research Council) and for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) of the European Commission.
He was the coordinator of Textile and Fashion Course on Arts, Sciences and Humanities School of USP, and also former Coordinator of the research activities and president of the Institutional Relationship Committee of the same school, he participates in the Brazil-EU group within the Action "5G and the Future of Mobile telecommunications in Brazil and Europe" at the Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Planning in Dialogue Sector BR-EU.
BSSC in Electronics Engineering in 1973, MSc in 1978, PhD in 1981, Associate Professor in 1992, and Full Professor in 1999. Martucci has been working in the Information Technology area since 1971, and was the Brazilian coordinator of the European Commission funded projects; in the 6th Framework program: INSTINCT, BELIEF and SAMBA projects; in the 7th Framework: FIWARE, TEFIS, FIRST and FORESTA Projects, in the H2020: EUBRASIL Cloud Forum, UELAC FOCUS and 5G Range projects and in the Cooperation Directorate: Institute of European Studies project. And Martucci was the coordinator of the projects funded by Brazilian Federal Funding Agency-FINEP projects: SGCENU and ARQIS.
His main interest areas are Information Systems, Open Systems, 5G and Future Internet and Internet of Things with applications in Smart Cities, Society and Agribusiness.
Sessions in which Moacyr Martucci Junior participates
Wednesday 19 June, 2019
This session will explore the pivotal role played by AI and IoT-based technologies in enhancing the importance of energy management and employing more restrictive environmental regulations on products and services. It will also delve into the effective ways in which AI can aid in electrical power generation along with appropriate management and distribution at limited cost of resources and finances.