Thomas Bjørnsten is assistant professor at the School for Communication and Culture, working in an interdisciplinary field between critical marketing research, data sensemaking, and digital aesthetics.
His current research is driven by a strong interest in emotional and affective data analysis and product development, exploring how computer science approaches may benefit from aesthetic, artistic and cultural knowledge domains. His research projects have been funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research and Interreg Europe, including the establishment of EMDAA (Emotional Data Lab Aarhus) and publications on topics such as data sonification, algorithmic emotional labour, and autonomous voice agents. He is also part of the organism Innovation Lab, based in Aarhus.
Sessions in which Thomas Bjørnsten participates
Monday 17 June, 2019
STARTS Talks are series of discussions engaging people from diverse disciplines. They aim at addressing themes from many different angles sustained by the general fields of Sciences, Technologies and the Arts. STARTS Talks target the creation of new policies or the transformation of ongoing ones. Therefore, they are always moderated by a policy maker.