Nuria de Lama, Consulting Director, EU Government Consulting IDC
Nuria de Lama studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has worked more than 22 years in Innovation Programs at European level and has contributed to more than 40 R&I projects in areas like Digital Platforms, IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. From a sectorial point of view, she has knowledge on different industries and notably Smart Cities and Agriculture. For almost 17 years she has played different positions at Atos, the leading IT company. Among them, she led a research unit on Semantic Technologies, Software and Service Engineering and later she worked as European Programs Manager, where she has represented Atos in major European Initiatives and coordinated Atos strategy in European Research projects. In that position she has been recognized as leader and contributor to EU initiatives like NESSI (European Technology Platform on Software and Services), the Future Internet Public Private Partnership (FIWARE program, leading to the creation of the FIWARE Foundation), Eureka programs like CELTIC and the Big Data Value Association, where she was founding member and held the position of Vice-Secretary General and currently contributes to the Board of Directors. In the last years she has been engaged in topics related to the Data Economy. Nuria works as expert and advisor for a number of IT projects and institutions like the European Commission and has recently joined IDC.
Sessions in which Nuria De Lama participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
This session will highlight the importance of IoT in the tourism sector and of the Tourism sector in IoT developments. Tourism is one of the sectors where innovation and technology adapt and evolve very quickly. Tourists, as new digital customers demand digital services and digital destinations. This session will serve to discover a new sector where IoT has a lot to say, it will break down walls and beliefs one has of t...
Thursday 20 June, 2019
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institu...
The potential of AI is now widely understood, not only in Europe but globally. As industry and corporations race to make the most of the emerging opportunities, there remains one problem: the availability of data. Due to a lack of trust, standard frameworks and legal and ethical uncertainties, a lot of valuable data that is already being exchanged in established data value chains and automated networks, is not being exploited outside of its primary purpose. As...