SeungMyeong Jeong
SeungMyeong Jeong is a Senior Researcher
in IoT Platform Research Center at Korea Electronics Technology Institute
(KETI). He received his BS and MS degrees in Computer Science from Ajou
University, South Korea in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Before he joined KETI,
he worked as a Junior Researcher at Advanced Standard R&D Lab., CTO
Divison, LG Electronics in Seoul, South Korea, for six years. His research
interests are in the areas of IoT common services layer (e.g. oneM2M) and
platform interworking technologies. He has been the active member of oneM2M
standardization from the beginning and now he’s the vice-chairman of oneM2M
Architecture WG. Not just oneM2M standardization, he’s also involved in R&D
projects pertaining to semantic interoperability collaborating EU consortium
(i.e. FIESTA-IoT, WISE-IoT) and cognitive IoT R&D project in Korea.
Finally, he’s also interested in smart cities based on oneM2M standard
with Busan smart city pilot project, NIST IES (IoT Enabled Smart)-
City Framework and EC H2020 SynchroniCity project.
Sessions in which SeungMyeong Jeong participates
Wednesday 19 June, 2019
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institu...