Jens Wandel
Jens Wandel is a Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Reforms at the United Nations. He previously served within the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as Assistant Administrator (Assistant Secretary-General) and as the Director of the Bureau of Management from 2012 to 2017. He has also served in several management functions focusing on change initiatives, including as Director of the Centre for Business Solutions. At the country level he has worked in senior positions in Bratislava covering the former Soviet Union & Balkans, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. Jens Wandel began his career with UNDP in 1988 as Junior professional Officer in Western Samoa.
Sessions in which Jens Wandel participates
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
While IoT and AI have been pervasive to sectors including healthcare services, manufacturing, urban planning, finance and education, it can also serve as a channel for providing emergency services and reducing exploitation by eliminating human rights violation, especially in development countries. This session will explore how AI and IoT technologies could serve as a platform for the provision of emergency services that s...
For the Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved within the stipulated time-frame, it is essential that the targets within the main goals are executed at both local and national levels. Mainstreaming the SDGs into local/national development planning policies can ensure that the SDGs are progressed on simultaneously with the existing national targets. In this scenario, new and emerging technologies could serve as the fulcrum for realization of the SDGs and their associated targets.