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First Workshop on Agriculture and Aquaculture (AGRIAQUA’19) - (Part I)

Decorative image for session First Workshop on Agriculture and Aquaculture (AGRIAQUA’19) - (Part I)

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Paper Sessions
11:00 AM, Monday 17 Jun 2019 (1 hour 30 minutes)
ARoS Museum - Art Lounge ARoS
GIoTS 2019

1570524688 Development of a Versatile Web Application for Real Time Monitoring in Precision Agriculture Based on the CBM Architecture

1570527177 Secure Smart agriculture Monitoring Technique through Isolation

1570529354 Analysis of the Variables that Affect the Intention to Adopt Precision Agriculture for Smart Water Management in Agriculture 4.0 Context

1570530798 Water Management: Agricolus Tools Integration

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