ACTIVAGE Project: Technology breakthrough for IoT for Smart Living Environments (SLE)
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ACTIVAGE has defined a reference architecture for IoT Platforms Interoperability. This architecture aims to build general approaches to face the interoperability in a universal way with the objective of serving as common framework to build interoperable smart ACTIVE AGEING solutions that can be deployed, extended and replicated at Deployment Sites[1] across Europe. Deployment Sites are, in the ACTIVAGE terminology, geographical regions where Smart Living Environment based on IoT technologies are deployed that support and sustain active and healthy ageing ICT services for senior citizen.
Based on this specific reference architecture, ACTIVAGE has developed the “IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIoTES) Framework” which consists of a set of software techniques, tools and methodologies for Semantic Interoperability between heterogeneous IoT Platforms and Active and Healthy Ageing applications, services and solutions, providing a secure privacy an data protection environment as well as tools and methods for productivity and business intelligence.
This session will be focused on showing the ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIOTES), from its different perspectives.
The session will be divided in the following four slots with the main purpose of demonstrate how this innovative ecosystem is addressing the challenges exposed:
- ACTIVAGE’s reference architecture for semantic interoperability in an IoT for SLE ecosystem
- Semantic Interoperability Layer (SIL) implementation
- Techniques, tools and methodologies supporting the IoT for SLE ecosystem
- Experience of ACTIVAGE in deploying AIOTES in 9 Deployment Sites in Europe