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IOTEC: Development of Technological Capabilities in the Industrial Application of the IoT (Session I)

Decorative image for session IOTEC: Development of Technological Capabilities in the Industrial Application of the IoT (Session I)

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2:00 PM, Monday 17 Jun 2019 (1 hour 30 minutes)
INCUBA Katrinebjerg - Incuba undervisning 5523-129
Future Manufacturing & Industry

This session, on the “Digitalization of the SMEs via the IoT”, is primarily focused on the support provided by local institutions and the IOTEC Project to SMEs and on success cases in the industrial sector, more specifically the wine industry in the agro-industrial sector.

IoT Digital Innovation Hub

Speaker: Juan Manuel Corchado

Title: The IOTEC Project. Main results.

Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León

Speaker: Laura Briz Ponce

Title: Regional Support in Castilla y León for IoT ecosystem


Speakers: Amelia Alonso Soto & Fernando Criado

Title: IoT in industrial environments to obtain quality data

Speakers: Vasco Lagarto & Paulo Nunes & Liliana Costa

Title: IoT… 2 examples in the wine value chain


Speakers: Susana Caio & Natalia Barata

Title: IoT in Portuguese Agroindustry – InovCluster´s role to Foster IoT through IOTEC project

General Discussion

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