IOTEC: Development of Technological Capabilities in the Industrial Application of the IoT (Session II)
My Session Status
This session, on the “Digitalization of SMEs via the IoT”, is primarily focused on the support options offered by the IoT Digital Innovation Hub to different companies and the best practicesacquired for their future replication, including how to implement technological diagnostics to identify company’s needs, and how to connect the required actors to meet the digitalization requierements and develop particular IoT-based solutions for the diagnosed company.The cases presented in this session will revolve around Industry 4.0, and the digital sector and the agro-industry as a whole.
IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Speaker: Javier Prieto Tejedor
Title: Boosting the potential of IoT solutions at SMEs throught the Digital Innovation Hubs
AETICAL // Aplifisa
Speakers: Luis Óscar Bueno Sánchez & Carlos González Sánchez
Title: Industry 4.0 for the control of extensive bovine stockbreeding
Speaker: Anibal Reñones
Title: Identifying key IoT technologies for agro-industry
University of Salamanca
Speaker: Javier Parra
Title: IoT and Digital Data. The real challenges
Proyecta Control
Speaker: Jesús Sanchidrián
Title: A success story of the IoT for renewable energy assets operations
General Discussion