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Participe à 4 sessions
John has been reading Science Fiction and Fantasy as long as he can remember and has been attending conventions since 1978. He has volunteered at many conventions, but now works only the masquerade, does panels, and takes lots of pictures. John has been in the computer industry for over 20 years, working on email, anti-spam & anti-virus systems. Much to his surprise he is now a costumer as well. And he plays big Taiko drums.

Sessions auxquelles JohnO participe

Samedi 27 Mai, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Cosplay Is Not Consent
1 heure 30 minutes, 11:30 - 13:00

San Mateo Marriott - Connect 5

JohnO (Modérateur.rice)

Tory (Participant.e)

Celeste GreerWalker, Saber Guild Golden Gate Temple (Participant.e)

Tyler Hayes, N/A (Participant.e)

Dimanche 28 Mai, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
The Hunger Games
1 heure 30 minutes, 14:30 - 16:00

San Mateo Marriott - Inspire 1

Linden Tarr, PhotoBOMBincorporated (Participant.e)

Carrie Sessarego, Smart Bitches Trashy Books (Modérateur.rice)

JohnO (Participant.e)

Chris OHalloran, Cengage Learning (real job) - Worldcon 76 in San Jose (Fannish job) (Participant.e)

Dr Wanda, H Pleasant (Participant.e)

Lundi 29 Mai, 2017

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About Those AR Games
1 heure 30 minutes, 10:00 - 11:30

San Mateo Marriott - Synergy 4

Vanessa MacLaren-Wray, RPG Power Systems (Modérateur.rice)

JohnO (Participant.e)

Mx Sarah Williams, Merrie Pryanksters (Participant.e)

Chris OHalloran, Cengage Learning (real job) - Worldcon 76 in San Jose (Fannish job) (Participant.e)

Discussing at least Niantic's two games, PokemonGO and Ingress, their similarities, differences, the way they get people out and interacting direct...
Costume Photography and Videography
1 heure 30 minutes, 13:00 - 14:30

San Mateo Marriott - Connect 1

Stephen (Participant.e)

Jean Martin, Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild (Participant.e)

Christine Doyle MD, CEP America (Participant.e)

JohnO (Participant.e)