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Just Go With It

just for fun
17:30, Samedi 27 Mai 2017 (1 heure 30 minutes)
San Mateo Marriott - Synergy 1
Just go with it! A panel of complete bs-ing. The panelists will take a topic from the audience and make up endless fact after fact stemming off of that original event. Audience participation greatly encouraged. This is the one panel where if you raise your hand and say, "I don't have a question but a statement," we will laugh and cheer with you! This is where we put the panelists with more sense of humor than common sense. Our panelists will test the theory that really, in conversation, it's best to just go with it.
Green Machine Comics
Gelineau and King
author and educator
Independent Author, Writer of Creative Text for Wizards of the Coast
Bourgeois Capitalist Establishment
Running dog lackey
Detail de session
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