Tianwei (Ellen) Zhou
Sessions in which Tianwei (Ellen) Zhou participates
Saturday 11 June, 2022
Authors: Ellen Tianwei Zhou, Pierre-Olivier Kassis, Cynthia Qian, Patrick Hamel, Sylvain Chemtob, Anne-Monique Nuyt, Thuy Mai Luu.Author Disclosure Block: E.T. Zhou: None. P. Kassis: None. C. Qian: None. P. Hamel: None. S. Chemtob: None. A. Nuyt: None. T. Luu: None.Purpose: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) remains the dominant cause of severe visual impairment in childhood in North America and Europe. With the improvement in ne...
Sessions in which Tianwei (Ellen) Zhou attends
Thursday 9 June, 2022
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Apply skills complementing their residency training in handling complications and improving their surgical acumen.
Friday 10 June, 2022
Inspiring women will share their vision with us. You will discover where their contagious enthusiasm might lead you. Let them transform you by their presence and powerful energy. Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Learn through multifaceted career examplesDiscuss professional pearls and personal accomplishments of high achieversExplore mentorship with women ophthalmologists ...
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:Describe the current surgical options available in management of glaucoma in Canada – filtering surgery and angle based surgeryIntegrate the most recent evidence for each surgical option and apply them to their clinical decision makingAssess new development in genomics and how it can optimize our surgical managementCanMEDS Roles:
Learning Objectives:Identify common reasons for discrepancy between structure and function evaluations of glaucoma patientsDescribe the difference between glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous abnormalities on glaucoma diagnostic testingAppreciate the nuances of clinical decision making in cases where diagnostic testing is ambiguousCanMEDS Roles: Medical Experts, Scholar
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:Describe the impact of racism in medicine and healthcare, and identify approaches towards active anti-racismDescribe emerging research on gender equity in ophthalmologyApply best practices to become effective allies and advocates in the healthcare setting, with a special emphasis on the needs of vulnerable populationsIntegrate Indigenous health concep...
Authors: Tarek A. Bin Yameen, James Armstrong, Lotte Scheres, Paola Marolo, Sophie Lemmens, Eunice Chew, BrahimKhouri, Henny Beckers, AntonioFea, Ingeborg Stalmans, ChelvinSng, William McCollum, Juan Battle, Matthew Schlenker, Iqbal 'Ike' Ahmed.Author Disclosure Block: T.A. Bin Yameen: None. J. Armstrong: None. L. Sch...
Authors: James J. Armstrong, Matthew B. Schlenker, Iqbal Ike Ahmed. University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: J.J. Armstrong: None. M.B. Schlenker: Santen Pharmaceutical Co.; Alcon ; Allergan; Johnson & Johnson Vision; Labtician Thea; Light Matter Interaction Inc. I.I. Ahmed:
Saturday 11 June, 2022
Innovation in Retina Research Award Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:Identify innovative Canadian retina research proposals and their intended benefitDescribe how using digital innovations in ophthalmology can optimize patie...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Review latest techniques in corneal transplantation and when certain techniques would be most appropriateReview management strategies to treat non-healing corneal woundsDefine the signs and symptoms of Limbal Stem Cell DeficiencyDescribe the treatment modalities currently in use to treat&n...
Learning Objectives:• Integrate new development in genomics to their clinical practice in order to optimize their care for patients • Better communicate the implication of genomics research in their treatment• Assess and apply new knowledge in visual field analysis in monitoring glaucoma disease progression• Describe the application of artificial intelligence in glaucoma genomicsCanMEDS Roles: Health Advocate, Communicator
Learning Objectives:Describe aspects of congenital ptosis clinical management Recent advances in paediatric screening Understand the strabismus complications of foveal ectopia CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Manage macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusionDescribe management of peripapillary choroidal melanomasIntegrate new concepts in retinal detachment managementCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
This course will be help attendees become more comfortable and proficient with valveless tube surgery. The attendee will be able to become proficient in ligation and fenestration techniques in a simulated surgical setting. They will be able to implement techniques and strategies to improve surgical workflow and efficiency when using these techniques. This course will be useful for glaucoma surgeons of all levels.Learning ObjectivesDemon...
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Describe prognostication for uveal melanomaApply real word data to the management of macular degeneration, diabetic macular edemaAssess patient experiences of inherited retinal diseasesCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Sunday 12 June, 2022
Authors: Aman P. Sayal, Yusuf Ahmed, Mark M. Popovic, MatthewSchlenker, Robert J. Campbell, Jasmin Kantarevic, Joanna Nadolski, Karen D’Souza, Sherif El-DefrawyAuthor Disclosure Block: A.P. Sayal: None. Y. Ahmed: None. M.M. Popovic: None. M. Schlenker: None. R.J. Campbell: None.