Sessions in which Kevin Hodgson participates
Friday 10 June, 2022
Authors: Kevin Hodgson, André S. Pollmann, Kathryn McFadden, Ahsen Hussain.Author Disclosure Block: K. Hodgson: None. A.S. Pollmann: None. K. McFadden: None. A. Hussain:None.Abstract Body:Purpose: To present the clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of a patient with a novel presentation of aberrant lacrimal gland ductules.Study Design: Descriptive ...
Sessions in which Kevin Hodgson attends
Thursday 9 June, 2022
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Apply skills complementing their residency training in handling complications and improving their surgical acumen.
Friday 10 June, 2022
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Determine the ocular conditions associated with obstructive sleep apneaDescribe how racism operates within health care in parallel ways to how racism operates in other settingsProvide a framework for how we can move from supportive statements to anti-racist actionCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to• Apply their knowledge to manage Thyroid Eye Disease • Integrate skills in managing common eyelid abnormalitiesCanMEDS roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Integrate new research techniques and ideas in managing Oculoplastics conditions. CanMeds Roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:To review factors associated with corneal transplant success and failures.To outline techniques to manage complex anterior segment surgery.To understand the advances that may replace corneal transplantation in the future. CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Authors: Andre S. Pollmann1, Jayme Vianna1, Christopher D. Seamone1, Stanley P. George1, Elsie Chan2, Darrell Lewis1. 1Dalhousie University, 2Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.Author Disclosure Block: A.S. Pollmann: None. J. Vianna: None. C.D. Seamone: None. S....
Learning Objectives:Assess the effect of various new surgical procedures on IOP and their potential complications through researchDescribe the quality of meta-analysis performed in glaucoma literatureDescribe side effect associated with commonly used glaucoma medicationCanMEDS Roles: Scholar, Collaborator