Sessions auxquelles Kevin Hodgson participe
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Authors: Kevin Hodgson, André S. Pollmann, Kathryn McFadden, Ahsen Hussain.Author Disclosure Block: K. Hodgson: None. A.S. Pollmann: None. K. McFadden: None. A. Hussain:None.Abstract Body:Purpose: To present the clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of a patient with a novel presentation of aberrant lacrimal gland ductules.Study Design: Descriptive ...
Sessions auxquelles Kevin Hodgson assiste
Jeudi 9 Juin, 2022
Objectifs d’apprentissageÀ la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :Mettre en pratique des compétences qui complètent leur formation en résidence pour gérer des complications et améliorer leur acuité chirurgicale. Évaluer et comparer différentes voies de pratique (p. ex., surspécialité, milieu universitaire, milieu communautaire, milieu rural). Démontrer une meilleure compréhension du volet financier de l’op...
Vendredi 10 Juin, 2022
Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this session, participants will be able to:Determine the ocular conditions associated with obstructive sleep apneaDescribe how racism operates within health care in parallel ways to how racism operates in other settingsProvide a framework for how we can move from supportive statements to anti-racist actionCanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to• Apply their knowledge to manage Thyroid Eye Disease • Integrate skills in managing common eyelid abnormalitiesCanMEDS roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:At the end of this session participants will be able to:• Integrate new research techniques and ideas in managing Oculoplastics conditions. CanMeds Roles: Medical Expert, Collaborator
Learning Objectives:To review factors associated with corneal transplant success and failures.To outline techniques to manage complex anterior segment surgery.To understand the advances that may replace corneal transplantation in the future. CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Authors: Andre S. Pollmann1, Jayme Vianna1, Christopher D. Seamone1, Stanley P. George1, Elsie Chan2, Darrell Lewis1. 1Dalhousie University, 2Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.Author Disclosure Block: A.S. Pollmann: None. J. Vianna: None. C.D. Seamone: None. S....
Learning Objectives:Assess the effect of various new surgical procedures on IOP and their potential complications through researchDescribe the quality of meta-analysis performed in glaucoma literatureDescribe side effect associated with commonly used glaucoma medicationCanMEDS Roles: Scholar, Collaborator