Cornea: Medical and ocular surface
My Session Status
Learning Objectives:
- To review diagnostic modalities to identify corneal disease.
- To understand the role of viral disease in the cornea.
- To evaluate methods for ocular surface reconstruction.
CanMEDS Roles: Medical expert; Scholar
Sub Sessions
Authors: William M. Trask, Jamie Bhamra. Section of Ophthalmology, University of Calgary.Author Disclosure Block: W.M. Trask: None. J. Bhamra: None. Title: Cytomegalovirus as a Cause of Recurrent Corneal Endotheliitis in the Canadian Population: A Case Ser...
Ron Jans Award RecipientAuthors: Jean-Yves Sahyoun, Marie-Claude Robert. Université de Montréal- CHUM.Author Disclosure Block: J. Sahyoun: None. M. Robert: None. Title: Proteomic lacrimal gland analysi...
Authors: Yelin Yang, Kenan Bachour, Maya Tong, Diana Khair, Judy Gaffar, Marie-Claude Robert, Paul Thompson, Louis Racine, Laura Segal, Mona Harissi-Dagher. University of Montreal.Author Disclosure Block: Y. Yang: None. K. Bachour: None. M. Tong: None. D. Khair: None. J. Gaffar: None. M. Robert:
Authors: Bonnie He1, Hamid Tavakoli2, Mahyar Etminan2, Shayan Shokoohi2, Alfonso Iovieno2, Sonia Yeung2. 1Dalhousie University, 2University of British Columbia.Author Disclosure Block: B. He: None. H. Tavakoli: None. M. Etminan: None. S. Shokoohi: