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New Concepts in Medical and Surgical Retina

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Talk | Exposé
1:30 PM, Saturday 11 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Break in the Exhibition Hall    03:00 PM to 03:45 PM (45 minutes)

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Manage macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion
  • Describe management of peripapillary choroidal melanomas
  • Integrate new concepts in retinal detachment management

CanMEDS Roles: Medical Expert, Scholar

Sub Sessions

1:42 PM - 1:45 PM | 3 minutes
1:45 PM - 1:52 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Geoff Williams, Philip J. Ferrone, Charles C. Wykoff, Ramin Tadayoni, Zdenka Haskova, David Silverman, Jane Ives, Karen Basu, Hugh Lin. Author Disclosure Block: G. Williams: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Bayer Novartis Roche. Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Description of relationship(s); Advisory Board. Funded grants or clinic...

1:52 PM - 1:55 PM | 3 minutes
1:55 PM - 2:02 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Emily Xi Liao, Aqsa Saleem, Jordan Huang, Matthew Larocque, Geetha Menon, Albert Murtha, Ezekiel Weis. Author Disclosure Block: E. Liao: None. A. Saleem: None. J. Huang: None. M. Larocque: None. G. Menon: None. A. Murtha: None. E. Weis: None.Purpose: Uveal melanoma, the most common intra-ocular tumor and vision sparing treatment, comes with increased risk of local failure and radiation retinopathy. Treatment of pe...

2:02 PM - 2:05 PM | 3 minutes
2:05 PM - 2:12 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Varun Chaudhary, Anat Loewenstein, Veeral Sheth, Karl Csaky, Rose Edmonds, Michael Chang, Jeffrey R. Willis, Zdenka Haskova, Peter D. Westenskow. Author Disclosure Block: V. Chaudhary: Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Novartis, Bayer. Any direct financial payments including receipt of honoraria; Description of relationship(s); Speaker fees. Membership on ad...

2:12 PM - 2:15 PM | 3 minutes
2:15 PM - 2:22 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Mohammed Alfalah, Kenneth Eng, Catherine Birt, Peter Kertes. University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: M. Alfalah: None. K. Eng: None. C. Birt: None. P. Kertes: None.Purpose: To assess zonular integrity in phakic patients post vitrectomy using ultrasound biomicroscopy. Study Design: Cross sectional, comparative, double masked, paired eye study. Methods: We ...

2:22 PM - 2:25 PM | 3 minutes
2:25 PM - 2:32 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Devin Betsch, R. Rishi Gupta. Author Disclosure Block: D. Betsch: None. R. Gupta: None.Purpose: Our objective was to report patient demographics, clinical course, and visual outcomes across a case series of patients who experienced Ozurdex® (dexamethasone intravitreal implant) migration into the anterior chamber. Study Design: Chart review was conducted for patients with a migrated Ozu...

2:32 PM - 2:35 PM | 3 minutes
2:35 PM - 2:42 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Nishaant Bhambra, Carolina L. M. Francisconi, Samara B. Marafon, Natalia A. Figueiredo, Verena R. Juncal, Rajeev H. Muni.Author Disclosure Block: N. Bhambra: None. C.L.M. Francisconi: None. S.B. Marafon: None. N.A. Figueiredo: None. V.R. Juncal: None. R.H. Muni: Funded grants or clinical trials; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Retina Foundation of Canada. Funded grants or clinical trials; Description of relationship(s); G...

2:42 PM - 2:45 PM | 3 minutes
2:45 PM - 2:52 PM | 7 minutes

Authors: Rosanna K. Martens, Chao Chen, David Ehmann, Mark Greve, Mark E. Seamone. Author Disclosure Block: R.K. Martens: None. C. Chen: None. D. Ehmann: None. M. Greve: None. M.E. Seamone: None.Purpose: To investigate the anatomic and visual outcomes of individuals undergoing pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for uncomplicated, primary macula-off rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) with and without macular internal limiting...

2:52 PM - 2:55 PM | 3 minutes

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