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Neuro-ophthalmology I

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11:15 AM, Friday 20 Jun 2025 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Summarize clinical characteristics of inherited optic neuropathies. 
  2. Review underlying pathophysiology and genetics of inherited optic neuropathies.
  3. Discuss potential treatment options for inherited optic neuropathies.

CanMEDS: Medical Expert, Collaborator 

Sub Sessions

11:56 AM - 12:01 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Edsel Ing, Ishaan Roy, Mahdi Tavakoli, Imran Jivraj, Alberto Galvez RuizAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Edsel Ing, none; Ishaan Roy, none; Mahdi Tavakoli, none; Imran Jivraj, none; Alberto Galvez Ruiz, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: To develop mixed reality glasses (MRG) software to help patients with hemianopsia better navigate their visual environment. Study Design: Evolutionary (Prototype) Methods: Unlike virtual ...

12:01 PM - 12:06 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Fei Wu, Monica Lavoie, Mélanie Hébert, Robert Laforce Jr, Ali DiraniAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Fei Wu, none; Monica Lavoie, none; Mélanie Hébert, none; Robert Laforce Jr, none; Ali Dirani, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: The logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder which predominantly affects language functions. In 86% of lvPPA cases, the underlying pathology is a...

12:06 PM - 12:11 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Edward Tran, Gautham Nair, Edsel IngAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Edward Tran, none; Gautham Nair, none; Edsel Ing, noneAbstract BodyPurpose: Ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) is an autoimmune disease characterized by autoantibodies targeting postsynaptic proteins at the neuromuscular junction, leading to weakness and fatigability of the ocular muscles. While OMG is primarily a clinical diagnosis, serological ant...

12:11 PM - 12:16 PM | 5 minutes

Author’s Name(s): Samira Jafari, Jonathan A. Micieli, Edward MargolinAuthor’s Disclosure Block: Samira Jafari, none; Jonathan A. Micieli, none; Edward Margolin, noneAbstract BodyPurpose:To determine the structural causes and incidental neuroimaging findings of pharmacologically confirmed Horner syndrome. We also categorized incidental findings based on the required follow-up (none, routine, urgent, emergency). Study Design: ...

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