Rétine I : Chirurgie moderne de la rétine – seulement des vitamines, pas de boucle?
Mon statut pour la session
Objectifs d’apprentissage :
À la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :
- Comprendre le concept de glissement rétinien dans la réparation d’un décollement de la rétine et les différents facteurs ayant une incidence sur celui-ci.
- Évaluer l’utilisation de technologies d’imagerie multimodale pour optimiser les résultats de la chirurgie.
- Intégrer l’imagerie rétinienne périphérique à l’évaluation des pathologies de la rétine.
Rôles CanMEDS : Expert médical, Érudit
Sous sessions
Author Block: Isabela Martins Melo 1, Aditya Bansal1, Sumana Naidu2, Paola Oquendo1, Hesham Hamli1, Wei Wei Lee1, Rajeev Muni1. 1St Michaels Hospital, 2University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: I. Martins Melo: None. A. Bansal: None. S. Naidu: None. P. Oquendo: None.&nbs...
Author Block: Aditya Bansal 1, Sumana C. Naidu1, JAMES M. Kohler2, Shilpa In3, Garima Garima3, Priyanka A. Mahendrakar3, Himanshu Kashyap3, Samara B. Marafon1, Pradeep Susavar4, Muna Bhende3, Edwin H. Ryan5, Rajeev Muni1. 1St Michael's Hospital, 2VitreoRetinal Surgery in Minneapolis, USA, 3Sankara N...
Author Block: Sumana C. Naidu , Josh Herman, Isabela Martins Melo, Milena Cioana, Mariam Mohammed Issa, Hesham Hamli, Rajeev H. Muni. University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: S.C. Naidu: None. J. Herman: None. I. Martins Melo: None. M. Cioana: None. M. Mohammed Issa: None. H. Hamli: None. R.H. Muni: None.&n...
Author Block: Isabela Martins Melo , Aditya Bansal, Wei Wei Lee, Paola Oquendo, Hesham Hamli, Rajeev Muni. St Michaels Hospital.Author Disclosure Block: I. Martins Melo: None. A. Bansal: None. W. Lee: None. P. Oquendo: None. H. Hamli: None. R. Muni: None. Abstract Title: Bacillary Layer Detachment in R...
Author Block: Daisy Liu , Stephen Carrell, Mark Seamone, Mark Greve. University of Alberta.Author Disclosure Block: D. Liu: None. S. Carrell: None. M. Seamone: None. M. Greve: None. Abstract Title: OCT Indicators of Visual Outcome after Silicone Oil RemovalAbstract Body: Purpose: Silicone oil (SO) is a...
Author Block: Samantha M. A. Orr 1, Amin Hatamnejad2, Netan Choudhry1. 1Vitreous Retina Macula Specialists of Toronto, 2Michael DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University.Author Disclosure Block: S.M.A. Orr: None. A. Hatamnejad: None. N. Choudhry: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-...
Author Block: Bryon R. McKay . University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: B.R. McKay: None. Abstract Title: -Year Evaluation of Subretinal Fluid Drainage Techniques in Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Primary Rhegmatogenous RetinalDetachment (ELLIPSOID-2 Study)Abstract Body: Purpose: To compare visual acuity, complications, and photoreceptor integrity followi...