Rétine II : DMLA – Ne laissez pas cette rétine dégénérer!
Mon statut pour la session
Objectifs d’apprentissage :
À la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :
- Évaluer les nouvelles modalités thérapeutiques pour la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge sèche.
- Évaluer les thérapies actuelles pour la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge humide.
- Évaluer les complications des traitements anti-VGF et les mesures de prévention.
Rôles CanMEDS : Expert médical, Érudit
Sous sessions
Author Block: Raman Tuli . University of Ottawa.Author Disclosure Block: R. Tuli: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Advisary Board Apellis. Funded grants or Clinical Trials; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Clinical Trial Apellis. Abstract Title: Efficacy of i...
Author Block: Oluwadara Onasanya , Frank Stockl. University of Manitoba.Author Disclosure Block: O. Onasanya: None. F. Stockl: Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Name of for-profit or not-for-profit organization(s); Novaris, Bayer, Allergan. Membership on advisory boards or speakers’ bureaus; Description of relationship(s); Consultant, Consultant, Consultant.
Author Block: Mohammad A. Khan 1, Simrat Sodhi2, Samantha Orr3, Austin Pereira4, Netan Choudhry3. 1McMaster University, 2Oxford University, 3VRMTO, 4University of Toronto.Author Disclosure Block: M.A. Khan: None. S. Sodhi: None. S. Orr: None. A. Pereira: None. N. Choudh...
Author Block: Tianwei Ellen Zhou 1, Kamini Raghuram1, Elizabeth Asztalos1, Rudaina Banihani1, Kamiar Mireskandari1, Nasrin Tehrani1, Kenneth Eng1, Radha Kohly1, Ugo Dodd2, Kamran Yusuf2, Prakesh Shah,1, Linh Ly1, Anna Ells1, Peter Kertes1. 1University of Toronto, 2University of Calgary.
Author Block: Amit V. Mishra , C Maya Tong, Marvi Cheema, David Plemel, Uriel Rubin, Bo Bao, Samir Nazarali, Steven R. J. Lapere, Rizwan Somani, Bradley Hinz, Matthew T. S. Tennant. 1Author Disclosure Block: A.V. Mishra: None. C. Tong: None. M. Cheema: None. D. Plemel: None. U. Rubin: None. B. Bao: None. S. Nazarali:&nbs...