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Leading with Data: Geomatics and Its Role in Climate Resilience

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2:00 PM, Wednesday 15 May 2024 (1 hour)
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre - Geomatics for Climate Resilience
Geomatics for Climate Resiliency

Climate change presents an array of unprecedented challenges to global resilience and sustainability. As the urgency to address these challenges increases, the role of geomatics as a cornerstone technology for enabling climate resilience becomes ever more significant. This panel discussion, moderated by Tanya Harrison of the Earth & Planetary Institute of Canada, will explore the transformative potential of geomatics in bolstering climate resilience.

Tanya Harrison, with her profound expertise in planetary geology and her leadership at EPIC, will guide a dynamic discussion among leading experts in the field of geomatics and environmental science. Nicholas Kellett will bring insights into innovative software solutions that support the collection and analysis of critical environmental data. Dr. Mario Santana Quintero will discuss the implications of geomatics in cultural heritage preservation under the threat of climate change, emphasizing adaptation strategies. William Parkinson will share his experiences in deploying satellite data for environmental monitoring and management, focusing on practical applications that enhance decision-making processes. Lastly, Dr. Liliana Perez will delve into her research on the intersection of geomatics, climate modeling, and urban planning, highlighting how data-driven approaches can lead to effective adaptation and mitigation strategies.

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