Sébastien Ziegler
Sébastien Ziegler serves as President of the IoT Forum, and IoT Lab, as well as Chair of the Europrivacy International Board of Experts. It serves as Rapporteur on Research and Emerging Technologies at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU/SG20) and Director General of Mandat International. He coordinated and/or took part in over 20 international research projects in the area of ICT, including Internet of Things, personal data protection, IPv6, 5G, and cybersecurity across various verticals.
Sébastien has a PhD in Management with a specialization in Information Systems at the Faculty of Economy and Management of the University of Geneva. He graduated in International Relations at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, followed by a Master in Environment, a MBA in international administration (HEC Geneva), and complementary executive courses at Harvard Business School in Boston, Stanford University, UC Berkeley and EPFL. He is also a qualified expert in data protection accredited for Europrivacy, EuroPriSe and ISO 27001 certifications. Sébastien founded several foundations, SMEs and organizations.
Sessions in which Sébastien Ziegler participates
Monday 17 June, 2019
Tuesday 18 June, 2019
Welcoming Remarks Co-ChairsSébastian Ziegler, Chairman, IoT ForumBrian Bech Nielsen, Rector, Prof. Aarhus UniversityKarsten Dehler, Commercial Director, It-Forum, Denmark
Acting on the core aspects of UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); to curtail inequality issues, diminish environmental degradation and provide a secure and resilient livelihood, remains a complex challenge for civil society and United Nations member states.While the SDGs inherited a wide array of pending targets from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), member states are increasingly using the SDGs as a comprehensive and adaptable f...
Industries are crossing today a crucial transition in terms of technologies and sustainability is a key driver for them. The integration of new technologies, if done appropriately and fast enough can help industries become more competitive; if not managed accordingly however IoT misuse can have adverse consequences on industries and their external environment.Similarly, IoT applications can greatly contribute t...
Wednesday 19 June, 2019
Thursday 20 June, 2019
ABOUT After the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international insti...
After two successful editions in Geneva and Bilbao, this edition of the scientific conference will present scientific papers on the most recent IoT research and will celebrate new partnerships that bring together industries, academia and the society.This year, IoT solutions become a game changer for everyone – individuals and business – to comply and fulfil SDGs faster and smarter.