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STARTS Talk on Human Touch AI (Part I)

Decorative image for session STARTS Talk on Human Touch AI (Part I)

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11:00 AM, Monday 17 Jun 2019 (1 hour 30 minutes)
ARoS Museum - ARoS Museum Auditorium
IoT Art & Society

STARTS Talks are series of discussions engaging people from diverse disciplines. They aim at addressing themes from many different angles sustained by the general fields of Sciences, Technologies and the Arts. STARTS Talks target the creation of new policies or the transformation of ongoing ones. Therefore, they are always moderated by a policy maker.

“A differentiating factor for an AI ‘made in Europe’ will be its human touch: a focus on the human dimension, an insistence that AI serves human needs: AI must enhance human capacity, not replace humans! “

Roberto Viola, Director General, DG CONNECT

Human Touch AI is an approach to the notion of Artificial Intelligence from an artistic and societal perspective. It aims at bringing a different perspective to AI in terms of the purpose it serves for humans and how it is going to be operated. It looks less at robotics and pays more attention to hybrid systems in which humans co-operate and even co-exist with machines. In a cybernetics driven approach, Human Touch AI understands Artificial Intelligence as a systems of systems including the Internet of Things, Emotional Intelligence, and organic and bio-connectivity."

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