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IoT Deployment and Business Challenges for the Agri-Food sector: what lies ahead?

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11:15 AM, Wednesday 19 Jun 2019 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Smart FarmingLarge Scale Pilots (LSP)

The second pillar finds its roots in the first one and would aim at highlighting the different impacts that are expected to be delivered by integrating IoT in the agri-food chain. IoT technologies in the agri-food sector address a set of economic, societal and environmental challenges. The potential for the sector is huge, but the implementation of such disruptive technology faces many challenges such as interoperability of the data, certification and standardisation, re-usability of the components, etc…

How is IoF2020 dealing with these technical challenges? How is IoT implemented in the IoF2020 trials, how is data handled and what are the benefits for the agri food sector?

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