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IoT in Modern Healthcare

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11:30 AM, Tuesday 18 Jun 2019 (1 hour)
Musikhuset Aarhus - Bag Scenen
Smart Living & eHealthLarge Scale Pilots (LSP)

Modern hospitals are developing into large complex healthcare “cities” where demand for efficiency has cut down man power, storage areas, beds, and clinical equipment. This means that despite being complex and in lack of resources, the modern hospital has to act agile and focus on just-in-time logistics. The IoT platform handles tracking and location data, which is the key element in making this possible.

Mikkel Harbo has been working with software product development and implementation for many years and the last 7 years has been with focus on solutions to the healthcare industry. Mikkel is a pioneer in the field of healthcare solutions for service logistics with focus on research projects and product development. Systematic’s Service Logistics’ solutions are implemented at 23 hospitals in Europe and Australia and are experiencing increasing approval and adoption.

In this session he will be presenting the world’s largest Healthcare IoT installation located at Aarhus University Hospital.

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