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I4MS: Opportunities for Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies at the Manufacturing Industry

Decorative image for session I4MS: Opportunities for Implementing Industry 4.0 Technologies at the Manufacturing Industry

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9:15 AM, Thursday 20 Jun 2019 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Musikhuset Aarhus - Room 224
Future Manufacturing & Industry

In this workshop, I4MS will showcase 2019 funding opportunities in the EU manufacturing sector, especially aimed to SMEs.

This will be done by providing assistance with information, guidance, success cases and live Q&A to facilitate possible applicants to successfully apply for this funding for application experiments in the following technologies within their daily processes: 3D Printing and other AM activities, High-Performance Computing, Robotics, and CPS plus the Internet of things.

There will be 4 open calls open in the second half of 2019, one of each Innovation Actions:;; and So far, I4MS -being supported by the European Commission-, has facilitated the investment of 140 million euros in supporting the digitalisation of the EU manufacturing since 2013. Now in phase 3, is enabling 34 million to implement application experiments through the following innovation actions.

DunavNET, IoT Week partner and I4MS participant, will also participate in the workshop, presenting CHAT! - AI based data analytics platform for early detection of chicken wellbeing and health issues.

The event will be led by Sanyu Karani (CEO, FundingBox), Juan Manuel Jauregui (MWC head of EU projects, I4MS and L4MS), and Antonio J. Jara (CEO, Hop Ubiquitous) and the agenda still open to gather as many insights as possible.

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