Amber Moss
Math and Science Instructional Coach
Bastrop ISD
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Sessions in which Amber Moss attends
Thursday 4 February, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Understanding Space Habitats: A Challenge-Based Approach
9:45 AM CST -
11:15 AM CST |
1 hour 30 minutes
Searching for Life: Cryobot Mission to Europa
3:15 PM CST -
4:00 PM CST |
45 minutes
Friday 5 February, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Friday Keynote: Dr. John Mather
8:00 AM CST -
9:00 AM CST |
1 hour
Next Stop...Mars
9:15 AM CST -
10:45 AM CST |
1 hour 30 minutes
Blast-Off with Space Balls
11:00 AM CST -
12:30 PM CST |
1 hour 30 minutes
Rocket Chemistry
2:00 PM CST -
3:30 PM CST |
1 hour 30 minutes
Saturday 6 February, 2021
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Martian Soil Doesn't Exist
10:30 AM CST -
12:00 PM CST |
1 hour 30 minutes
Opportunities for the K-12 Artemis Generation: Student Challenges, Hands-on Activities, and Digital Badges
1:30 PM CST -
2:15 PM CST |
45 minutes
Let's Imagine the Space!
2:15 PM CST -
3:00 PM CST |
45 minutes