Mr Mark Brown
Mark is a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador who has been involved in formal and informal education for 25 years. He is an astronomer, geologist, and planetarian who is passionate about conducting educational public outreach and bringing the concepts of science and astronomy down to the human level of understanding. He has always displayed his passion and enthusiasm for the sciences, especially astronomy and has been involved in the NASA Night Sky Network through his astronomy clubs. One of Mark's hightlights is when he spent time volunteering at the Mt. Evans observatory in Colorado imaging Mars at its closest approach in 2003. He has taught college astronomy courses at McKendree University and Dickinson College. He is also an avid photographer and astro-photographer who enjoys observing and imaging the night sky through his telescopes and cameras. Mark is also an ISTE STEM PLN Leader and recently presented at the ISTE 2020 conference. For Mark, it is the darkness and beauty of the night sky that brings light to his day.