Dr. Mona Koaik, MD
Dr Mona Koaik is a Cornea, Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgeon at the University of Ottawa Eye Institute where she also serves an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology. She received her Bachelor and Medical degrees from the American University of Beirut where she also did her Ophthalmology training. She then completed her fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment Surgery in Ottawa.
Dr. Koaik has an enthusiastic and keen interest in cataract surgery, refractive cataract and cornea surgeries, cornea surgery and ocular surface surgery. Dr. Koaik has a very keen interest in research and innovations in Ophthalmology and has published several articles and presented at various national and international meetings. Lately, her focus has shifted to more anterior segment and corneal diseases, and she is currently involved in starting and conducting many projects related to medical and surgical treatment of corneal diseases, as well as projects related to corneal and lenticular refractive surgery.
Dr. Koaik is a member of the Canadian Cornea Society, Refractive Surgery Society and of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. She has a special interest in global ophthalmology and has been involved in yearly mission medical trips to rural underserved areas in South America. She hopes to keep providing eye care and teaching programs in outreach programs globally.
Financial disclosure: Dr. Koaik has/had an affiliation (financial or otherwise) with a commercial organization:
- Alcon
- Théa
Sessions auxquelles Dr. Mona Koaik, MD participe
Vendredi 16 Juin, 2023
Ce cours prend la forme d’un laboratoire expérimental. Il mise sur la formation pratique des participants en reprenant les principes et les techniques essentiels de réparation des traumatismes oculaires. Les participants passeront en revue les principes guidant la réparation des lacérations cornéo-sclérales complexes, tout en bénéficiant d’une formation pratique orientée sur la maîtrise des techniques de suture de base et avancées de la cornée, y ...
Dimanche 18 Juin, 2023
Objectifs d’apprentissage :À la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :Examiner la réticulation du collagène cornéen et les interventions complémentaires à la disposition des patients atteints de kératocône. Examiner les options primaires et secondaires en matière de chirurgie réfractive d’amélioration pour les patients myopes et hypermétropes.Comprendre le rôle de la kératectomie photothérapeutique dans les path...