Alex Hill-Stosky
Alex Hill-Stosky with Eagle Engineering & Consulting Ltd holds a BSc in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering with a focus in Cadastral Survey from the University of New Brunswick and a diploma of Geomatics Engineering Technology from the Centre of Geographic Sciences in Nova Scotia with awards from both institutions. Alex has performed a number of survey and reality capture projects across Canada and various industries. As well as a founding committee member of the GoGeomatics Expo, he co-founded the first GoGeomatics SLAM Scan-Off in 2023, the CanSLAM Circuit in 2024, and is a member of "The Committee," a reality capture and laser scanning advocacy and education initiative. Alex is an engaged member of the Reality Capture Network and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society and was listed in XYZ magazine's '24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024.'