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Rick Duchscher

RPAS Program lead
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)
Participates in 1 Session

As a Geomatics Engineer, Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Flight Reviewer for Transport Canada as well as a SAIT faculty member with 30 years in the engineering field, I lead SAIT’s Connector lab to support students and industry partners who would like to engage with new and highly advanced technological hardware and software platforms. I help innovate workflows in all areas of construction, information technology, business, energy, manufacturing and transportation to collaboratively and successfully reaching their goal’s outcomes.

My vast experience in 3D modeling, photogrammetry, reality capture, XR, research practices and construction project management has allowed me to advise countless capstone groups and industry partners, assisting learners as they discover their passion for reality capture and geomatics through new theoretical and applied methods.

Other areas of expertise include project management, specialized industrial and commercial RPAS, airborne payload sensors, photography, terrestrial laser scanning applications, GIS, web mapping, technical writing and earthworks.

Sessions in which Rick Duchscher participates

Sessions in which Rick Duchscher attends