In my 40 year career in the geospatial and construction industries I have had the opportunity to work in leadership roles in both the public and private sectors. I have done business in more than 100 countries and have visited every continent. I have directly managed profit and loss centers of over $1 billion U.S. dollars and have had management responsibility of more than 4,000 employees in thirty countries. Today, my focus is to mentor leaders who will transform the future. However, this career began with a rocky start.
When I finished high school I was told by my guidance counselor that my grades, lack of ambition, and intellect probably made it difficult for me to attend college and I should consider joining the military or working in one of the local factories. This was humiliating to me because I felt intellectually able to go to college. However, he was correct that my grades were below average, the courses I had taken in high school were not college preparatory, and my passions at that time were hunting and fishing – not studying.
His message was direct and factual. I did not prepare myself for college. However, it provided me a motivation that I still use today that anyone can achieve their dreams and goals through focus and determination. All anyone needs is encouragement and mentorship. As a leader do not judge anyone solely on their past, but rather, on what they do today. People have the capability to achieve greatness and true leaders provide them that opportunity.
My high school counselor was a mentor to me. He gave me some tough messages, a challenge, and in effect pointed me at the things I could control to change my life. While leaders must lead, it is equally important that each of us take responsibility for making our own futures. Greatness is not achieved in a single moment. It is the summation of moments - good and bad - over a lifetime.