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BIM and Specifications - The missing piece of the puzzle!

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11:45 AM, Tuesday 29 Oct 2024 (30 minutes)
Big Four Roadhouse - Theatre 1
buildingSMART Canada Annual BIM Summit
Construction contracts are the same worldwide. While there are differences in language, classification, project delivery and other factors, the one common denominator is that a construction contract requires Drawings and Specifications. While geometric modelling software and specification software have both evolved over time, very little effort is currently being exerted in Canada to integrate them in document development processes.

According to Arcadis global surveys, the #1 cause of construction disputes continues to be "Poorly drafted or incomplete and unsubstantiated claims" caused in part by "defective specifications". With the evolution of BIM technology, we have an opportunity to improve the harmonization of specifications with drawings, resulting in fully coordinated contract documents.

This presentation will offer an overview of the current state of specification technology in Canada and internationally, and offer opinions about how and when specifications could or should be integrated with drawings to improve the quality of contract specifications.  If they don't already, Consultants should consider putting in the effort and Owners should demand better integration of specification data with traditional geometry (drawing) data.

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