Using Satellite based mapping and AI to provide a quick and efficient method of Mapping Subsurface Utility infrastructure

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During the past 30 years the Damage prevention and Utility Engineering industry has grown and developed into what it is today. The industry has slowly grown year after year and has gained acceptance as a best practice with 811 laws in the US and in Ontario the Call Before you dig legislation Bill 8 a precedent setting event in Canada. We now look at how best to modernize the systems and leverage technology to elevate the 2 industries damage prevention and Utility Engineering.
The technological abilities of AI to interpret and learn and the vast amount of data available has led to a Utility Damage prevention and Utility Engineering evolution. The 4M team will describe the problem of antiquated utility mapping data, methods & consequences, while 4M's technology & solutions of using Satellite based mapping and AI to provide a quick and efficient method of Mapping Subsurface Utility infrastructure with the 4Map AI application system as well as command and control of construction interaction with existing utilities through there 4Dig damage prevention AI application.
These technologies do not replace the traditional One Call or Subsurface Utility engineering rather they complement the process allowing with time savings and a focused approach to guide Utility investigations. The system has many more applications such as Route concept planning and soon to be released satellite data utility mapping accuracies.(HCA) High Certainty Acquisition Mapping levels
* Patent Pending