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Regie Alam
President, ASG Mapping Ltd
Nadine Alameh
Executive Director, Taylor Geospatial Institute
Bilyana Anicic
CEO, Aurora Consulting
Jim Anspach
Utility Engineering Subject Matter Expert, J.H. Anspach Consulting
Lawrence Arcand
President, 4 Sight Utility Engineeers
James Ashton
Technology Manager, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Sarah Banks
Physical Science Analyst, Environment Canada
Justin Baradi
QA Specialist, Mobile, Avenza Systems Inc.
David Bélanger
Acting project manager, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Trevor Bell
Founding Director, SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Inc.
James Britton
Manager Mapping and Geomatics Services, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Briana Brown
Geographer, SafeGraph
Luc Brûlé
Vice-President, Science and Technology, CSA
Nick Burchell
Director, QA & Customer Services, Avenza Systems Inc


Will Cadell
Founder & CEO, Sparkgeo
Clément CHARRÉ
GIS Speciaist and Project Manager | Sponsorship and Media Coordinator, ASG Mapping Ltd. | GeoIgnite2020 Online Team
Sven Cowan
Canadian Program Manager, NV5 Geospatial
Peter Croswell
President/Lead Consultant, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants
Morgan Crowley PhD
Forest Fire Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada


Melanie Desjardins
Director, NWT Centre for Geomatics
Jake Dickinson
Product Manager, Maxar
Brian Donahue
Information Services Manager - Canadian Geodetic Survey, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)


Spencer Elford
Product Marketing Coordinator, Avenza Systems Inc


Gaya Ganesan
Crime Analyst, Toronto Police Service
Felipe Gonzalez-Macqueen
Map Store Business Development Lead, Avenza
Bartlomiej Grabowski
Director of Innovation, GISPartner sp. z o.o.
Bill Greer
Product Manager, Maxar


Mohammed Habbane
Deputy Director, Business Management, NRCan
Ryan Hamilton
Sr Manager, Product Management, Maxar
David Harper
Director General, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Tanya Harrison Ph.D.
CEO and Co-Founder, Earth & Planetary Institute of Canada (EPIC)
Michal Hermanowski
Business Development Director, GISPartner sp. z o.o.
Morgan Hite
Free-lance Cartographer, Hesperus Arts
Joseph Hlady
President, Lux Modus.


Nicholas Kellett
Founder & CEO, Deploy Software Solutions


Eric Laliberté
Director General, Space Utilization, CSA
Michael Ann Lane
Global Education and Sales Development Manager, Hexagon Geospatial
Tom Last
President, ImStrat Corporation
Edward Lau
Director, Government Programs, MDA
Melissa Lavoie
Instructional Designer, Learning Bird
Dr. Steve Liang
Founder & CTO & Professor, University of Calgary, SensorUp
Éric Loubier
Director General, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation


Colin Macdonald
Director, Geographic Information Services, Internal Services, Province of Nova Scotia
Ted MacKinnon
Senior Geomatics Technologist, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
John Marshall
Business Development, Pacific Geomatics Limited
Rob Martindale
Utilities Program Manager, Colorado State
June McAlarey
President & CEO, CATALYST Earth
Gordon McElravy
Director, Industry Council Program, buildingSMART Canada
Jake McGregor
Chief Operating Officer, Minerva Intelligence Inc
David McKittrick
Outreach & Training Manager, Blue Marble Geographics
Juliana McMillan-Wilhoit
Principal, Tabulae Spatial
Lynn Moorman
Professor, Mount Royal University
Joe Morrison
Head of Product Success and Impact, Umbra


Tara O’Shea
Director of Forest Programs, Planet
Dr Gordon Osinski
Professor, University of Western Ontario
Morgan Ostrander
Data Analyst, Benevity


Parshati Patel
Astrophysicist and Science Communicator, Institute for Earth and Space Exploration


Gord Reynolds
Vice President, Commercial Advisory & Strategy, Infrastructure Ontario
Carsten Rönsdorf
MUDDI Standards Working Group co-chair, Ordnance Survey
John Roos
Director of Sales, Maxar Intelligence
Jennifer Ross
Public Service and Procurement Canada
Barbara Ryan
Executive Director, WGIC


Nancy Sell
Standards Specialist, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Mozhdeh Shahbazi
Applied science manager, Centre de géomatique du Québec
Alex Shalash
Co-Founder, UEVO
Guillaume Spain
GIS Analyst, Montreal Metropolitan Community
Tobias Spears
Head, Ocean Data and Information Section, Canada's Mirror Committee to ISO/TC 211 Geographic Information/Geomatics
Minda Suchan
Vice President of Geointelligence, MDA, MDA


Trevor Taylor
Director, Member Services, Asia and Americas, OGC
Florian Thaler
CEO and Co-Founder, OilX
Rola Tibshirani
Teacher, PUblic School BOard
Page Tucker
President & CEO, Prostar Geocorp Inc.


Mike Venables
President, Aero-Photos
Alex Videka
Associate Product Manager, Avenza Maps, Avenza


Ophir Wainer
Director of Market Expansion and Education - Canada, T2 Utility Engineers Inc.
Graham Wilkes
Geography Activity Leader, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Marikka Williams
GIS Professor, Fleming College


Geoff Zeiss
Principal, Between the Poles

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