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Katharina ..
Senior Consultant , .


Mehdi A
Faiza A
Teacher, Aspiring GIS Professional, CRA, Penn State World Campus
Mike Aben
QA Lead, Mobile, Avenza
Tracy Adole
Coquitlam College
Mohammad Ahmed
University of Calgary
Ryan Ahola
Environmental Scientist, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Abdulaziz AK
Geomatic Engineering Student, Istanbul Technical University
Yewande Akinjewe
Milsat technologies
Regie Alam
President, ASG Mapping Ltd
Nadine Alameh
Executive Director, Taylor Geospatial Institute
Nemir Alazzawi
RouteAbility, MapLab
Christina Albers
Principal, Bonnefield
Paul Aleong
MDA Geointelligence
Usama Ali
Ontario Minisitry of Transportation
Lauren Allen
Analyst, Statistics Canada
firas alqawasmi
engineer, Dar
Hannah Anderson
Velocity Group
Richard Andrews
Bilyana Anicic
CEO, Aurora Consulting
Bilyana Anicic
President, Aurora Consulting
Jim Anspach
Utility Engineering Subject Matter Expert, J.H. Anspach Consulting
Lisa Arblaster
GIS Specialist, COGS
Alan DK Armstrong
Geospatial Historian, SwTERIA
Armur Capital Corporation
Robyn Ash
Manager, Crown Survey Administration, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
James Ashton
Technology Manager, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Corey Atchison
Team Lead Customer Success Canada, Maxar
Neil Aucoin
Royal Canadian Navy
Stéphanie Audet Brazeau
Translator, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Alex Aurica
Student, UofT
Colin Avey
GNWT Center for Geomatics
Ramin Azar
CEO, Planetary Remote Sensing Inc


Loretta B-OB
Retired, Self
Godwin Badu-Marfo
Developer, DexAfrica
Ryan Baete
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Jen Bailey
Parkland County
Craig Bamford
Business Reporter, SpaceQ
Sarah Banks
Physical Science Analyst, Environment Canada
Karen Bannerman
Project Manager, MDA GSI
Justin Baradi
QA Specialist, Mobile, Avenza Systems Inc.
Simona Barany
GPT, Ministry of Transportation
Yuval Barnea
VP Sales and Marketing, Rod Radar
Maciej Bazanowski
Senior Geodetic Engineer, GeoNova
Nadine Beaudin
Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency
Judith Marie Beaudoin
Land Surveyor, Government of Canada
Jean-Francois Beaupre
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Laura Beazley
Government of Nova Scotia - GeoNOVA
Dominic Belair
Geomatics Officer, Public Services and Procurement Canada
David Bélanger
Acting project manager, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Trevor Bell
Founding Director, SmartICE Sea Ice Monitoring and Information Inc.
Scott Bennet
Edmonton Police Service
Bent Bent
Sr. Application Consultant, Remote Sensing, Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial
Luke Bergmann
University of British Columbia
Amy Bergunde
Solstice Canada Corp.
Parth Bhatt
Michigan Technological University
Alexander Bilyk
Lakehead University
Marion Bishop
City of Waterloo
Andy Black
Dave Blaine
GIS Analyst, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
Mr. Robert Boettcher
Geomatics Advisor, DND
Iris Boettcher
City of Edmonton
Jeff Boggs
Department of Geography & Tourism Studies, Brock University
Adrian Bohane
TRE Altamira Inc
Terri Bonin
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Cliff Bootsma
Student, Self
Diana Borda
ML AI Manager, Cisgeo
Marc Boucher
CEO, SpaceQ
John Bowers
Head of New Business, Geointelligence, MDA
Jamie Bradburn
Vice President, T2 Utility Engineers Inc.
Cristiane Brandão Dos Santos
Unesp ProfÁgua -Estudent
Collin Branton
GIS Water Resources Project Specialist, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
Blair Bridger
Geomatics Instructor/Researcher, College of the North Atlantic
James Britton
Manager Mapping and Geomatics Services, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Nathalie Brousseau
Geomatics Manager, Publics Services and Procurement Canada
Briana Brown
Geographer, SafeGraph
Cody Brown
Spatial Solutions Analyst, Municipality of Clarington
Dave Brown
Heritage Village
Jonathan Brown
digital innovation lead, Sustainable Cobourg
Luc Brûlé
Vice-President, Science and Technology, CSA
Kammy Brun
Managing Director at HEAD Aerospace, HEAD Aerospace
Taylor Buck
GIS Project Coordinator, Planview Utility Services Ltd.
Paul Budkewitsch
Manager, Government of Nunavut
Myles Bugbee
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Patricia Buhler
DND 17Wing Wpg
Krista Bullock
KBM Resources Group
Ryan Bunting
Conservation Halton
Nick Burchell
Director, QA & Customer Services, Avenza Systems Inc
Hannah Burke
Waabnoong Bemjiwang Association of First Nations
Michael Burnett
Queens University


Jeff Cable
Quality Assurance Lead, Avenza Systems Inc.
Alejandro Cabral
Ingeniero, EMPSA
Francis Cadeau
Royal Roads University - Victoria, B.C. Canada
Will Cadell
Founder & CEO, Sparkgeo
GoGeomatics Canada
Event manage, GeoIgnite
Elias Carciente
Principal Consultant, Carciente Consulting Corp.
jon caris
Director, Education
Hilary Carlson
City of Saskatoon
David Carranza
Navy of Ecuador
Krista Carre
City of Greater Sudbury
Willie Carroll
UAV Division Manager, IRC Building Sciences Group
Lindsey Carter
City of Brampton
Camille Cassidy
Sr. Manager, Americas Marketing , Maxar
Ron Caves
Staff Engineer, MDA
Trevor Chacha
Mie University
Adam Chadwick
City of Kamloops
Giorgos Chalaris
GIS CONSULTANT , freelance GIS Consultant
Xue Yan Chan
Fire Research Analyst, University of Calgary
Kuhelee Chandel
University of Gävle
Dennis Chao
Senior Geospatial Specialist, Alberta Energy Regulator
Dorothy Chapman
GIS Student, University of Waterloo
Mykhailo Charalambij
GIS Analyst, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Clément CHARRÉ
GIS Speciaist and Project Manager | Sponsorship and Media Coordinator, ASG Mapping Ltd. | GeoIgnite2020 Online Team
Lokendra Chauhan
Qen Labs Inc.
Satyam Chauhan
GIS Technician, Chatham-Kent Municipality
Lee Chaulk
Senior Program Administration Officer, Government of Nova Scotia
Michael Chen
PCI Geomatics Enterprises Inc.
Gad Chen
analyst, cmhc
Julie Chih-yu Chen
Public health agency of Canada
Irene Cheng
Scientific Director, University of Alberta
Stephane Cholette
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Newcomer Youth Green Economy Project
Paul Churcher
Chief of Site infrastructure spatial data team - Infrastructure and Environment, Department of National Defence
Jeff Clark
Clark Geomatics
Ryan Clark
GIS Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Tranportation
Jason Close
Esri Canada
Georgia Clyde
Data Manager, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Felecia Codling
Municipal District of Greenview
John Collins
Director, Airbus Defence and Space
Eric Collins
Geomatics Engineer, -
Rhonda Connors
GIS Technologist, Government of Alberta Environment and Parks
Bernie Connors
Geomatics Engineer, Service New Brunswick
Ron Cook
Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board
Riley Cormier
Carleton University
Randolph Corney
Faculty, Saint Mary's University
Luis Costa
Software Engineer, UFPR
Philippe Côté
Stingray Group Inc.
Norm Couturier
CEO, Terris Earth Intelligence
Sven Cowan
Canadian Program Manager, NV5 Geospatial
Chris Craig-Neil
Cartographer, GIS Analyst, Craig-Neil & Co.
Kevin Crichlow
Algonquin College
Katrina Cristall
City of Charlottetown
Peter Croswell
President/Lead Consultant, Croswell-Schulte IT Consultants
Morgan Crowley PhD
Forest Fire Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada
Nate Currit
Texas State University
Marc Curtis
Address and Postal Code Management, Location Warehouse AGSI Sales Director, Angus GeoSolutions Inc. (AGSI)
Daniel Cusson
Principal Research Officer, National Research Council Canada


Sarah D
Jason DaCosta
West Earth Sciences
Doug Dale-Johnson
Manager, Geomatics Policy and Governance, POGC
Steve Damaia
Ontario Government
Ephraim Danford Jr
Team Leader GIS Unit| GIS/Data Specialist , NORC at University of chicago
oluwaseyi Dasho
Lecturer, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology Okitipupa
Abigail da Silva-Horvat
Conservation Halton
Andrew Davidson
Associate Director, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Taylor Davis
Vice President , Terra Remote Sensing Inc.
Kelsey Davis
Management Consultant, Esri Canada
Vincent Decker
Canada Center for Mapping and Earth Observation
Alonzo de la Cruz
Senior Geomatics Engineer, Suncor Energy Inc.
Nathan de Ruiter
Euroconsult Canada
Melanie Desjardins
Director, NWT Centre for Geomatics
Laurent Dezamy
Business development, None
Dr Martin de Zuviria
Geoprocessing Expert (FME - ArcGIS), Excel HR - Contractor at DND - MCE
Savita Dhanve
SRTM University
Jai Dialani
Managing Director, Leaf Space
Jake Dickinson
Product Manager, Maxar
Sylvia Dixon
Development and Planning Tech., MODC
Anca Dobrinescu
geospatial analyst
Brian Donahue
Information Services Manager - Canadian Geodetic Survey, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Peter Dorcas
exactEarth Ltd
Matt Down
Esri Canada
Labo Doyon
Research agent, ISFORT-UQO
Dragos Dristaru
Geoscientist, *
Andrea Ducharme
Geomatics Technologist, Government of Alberta
Maria Luisa Dugand
Geomatics Director, IBI
Guy Duke
Farmers Edge
Alexandre Dumond
Canadian Armed Forces
Marnie Dunbar
Production Manager, OGL Engineering
Dean Dunlop
GIS Analyst, City of Mississauga
Dermot Dusauzay
Ministry of Transportation Ontario


Assistant Manager, Living Lighting Beaches
Gafer Edrise
Geo-Spatial Data Specialist, GA Geo
Andrew Edwards
PSD CityWide
Spencer Elford
Product Marketing Coordinator, Avenza Systems Inc
Malcolm Elliott
Project Manager, Leading Edge Geomatics
Lindsay Ellison
Geospatial Analyst, Statistics Canada
Abdelhamid Elnaggar
Mansoura University
Peggy Embleton
Geomatics Specialist, GNWT Centre for Geomatics
Kaan Ersahin
Executive Director, Remote Sensing, ASL Environmental Sciences
Mojgan Esfahaninejad
GIS Specialist, NDCA
Douglas Estok
Founder, Owner, President, ECI - Estok Consulting, Inc.
Suzanne Etheridge
GIS Specialist, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada


Alicia Farag
president, Locusview
Craig Farrow
PCI Geomatics
Physical scientist , DFO
Tim Feller
Librarian, University of toronto
Roberto Figueroa
Senior Manager, Property Valuation and Risk Modelling, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Rod Finnie
owner, J. R. Finnie O.L.S.
Wendy Fischer
A/Deputy Director, Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Relationship Manager, GoGeomatics
Samuel Foucher
Computer Research Institute of Montreal
Allyson Fox
LiDAR Project Manager, Airborne Imaging Inc.
Edmonton Police Service
John Frake
Associate Regional Sourcing Spealist , TomTom
Janet Fraser
Information Architect, CFIA
Jeremy Fredrickson
Ontario Government
Brennan Fuchs
Manager of Data and Geospatial Services, City of Greater Sudbury
Jessy Fuelkell
GIS Specialist, Strathcona County
Colleen Fuss
GIS & Remote Senesing Specialist, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Grant Fyfe
Statistics Canada


John Gaiot
Mapping & Geomatics Data Analyst, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry
Mihir Gajjar
Statistics Canada
John Galea
Geographic Emergency Management Analyst, Emergency Management Ontario
Pablo Gallego Sanmiguel
Senior VicePresident, Sales & Customers, PLDSpace
Lesley Gamble
Geomatics Solutions Lead, MDA Geointelligence
Gaya Ganesan
Crime Analyst, Toronto Police Service
Venkata Ganugula
GVB Geomatics Pvt Ltd
Venkata B Ganugula
GVB Geomatics Pvt Ltd
Javier Garcia Robles
Guillaume Gauthier
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Vicki Gazzola
Dalhousie, Seascape Ecology & Mapping Lab
Edna Gbargbar
University of Nigeria
Bengisu Gelin
Student transportation planner , TransLink
andy gemza
im coordinator, MECP
Ashwin George
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Rob Gerry
Geographic Information Officer, Manitoba Hydro
Hannah Gibson
Student, COGS
Graeme Gibson
GIS Technician, Strider Energy Ventures Ltd.
Nicholas Giles
Carleton University
Gurpreet Gill
GIS Consultant , Independent Consultant
Andrew Gillis
Leica Geosystems
Martin Giroux
Cansel Survey Equipments Inc.
Barry Goldman
Spatial Information Management Coordinator, PSPC
Leonela Gomez
Account Manager, InfoSat
Felipe Gonzalez-Macqueen
Map Store Business Development Lead, Avenza
Graham Good
District of Muskoka
Bartlomiej Grabowski
Director of Innovation, GISPartner sp. z o.o.
Erin Grass
Senior Geomatics Engineer, Government of Alberta
Dianne Gray
GIS Specialist, CTQ Consultants
Porter Greatrex
Ryerson University
Vera Green
Systems specialist , Vgeo
Zoe Green
Enterprise Geodata Specialist, Grand River Conservation Authority
Bill Greer
Product Manager, Maxar
Fiona Gregory
Geospatial Analyst, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
Kris Grigorov
West Earth Sciences
Sean Grogan
Polytechnique Montréal
Rajni Gupta
City of Mississauga
Mülayim Güre
Lecturer , Free


Mohammed Habbane
Deputy Director, Business Management, NRCan
Denis Hains
President & CEO, H2i
John Hale
President, buildingSMART Canada
Erik Halverson
Program Manager, Maxar
Robert Hamer
Geodetic Control Survey Specialist, MNRF Ontario
Ryan Hamilton
Sr Manager, Product Management, Maxar
Perry Hamilton
Manager, Province of Nova Scotia
Chris Hampel
Geomatics Specilaist, Hemmera/Ausenco
Ed Hankin
Maxar Technologies
Sean Harkins
Engineer , Development Seed
Tanya Harrison Ph.D.
CEO and Co-Founder, Earth & Planetary Institute of Canada (EPIC)
Sarah Hartholt
GIS Data Analyst, Prince Edward County
Nina Harvey
Student, COGS, NSCC & Acadia University
Fleming College Graduate Student
Peter Hearns
Director of GIS and Mapping, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Michal Hermanowski
Business Development Director, GISPartner sp. z o.o.
Christopher Hewitt
Brock University
Juan Hiedra Cobo
Research Officer Rail & Transit Infrastructure, National Research Council Canada
Steven Hills
GIS Instructor, Assiniboine College
Morgan Hite
Free-lance Cartographer, Hesperus Arts



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