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Got a Drone - Now What? Mapping with your UAV using Global Mapper

Decorative image for session Got a Drone - Now What? Mapping with your UAV using Global Mapper

Mon statut pour la session

2:00 PM, Lundi 26 Avr 2021 EDT (2 heures)
  Session virtuelle
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The use of drones or UAVs has expanded dramatically over the last few years and this technology is rapidly permeating a wide variety of professional disciplines and industries, including the broad field of GIS. Ideally suited for on-demand geospatial data collection, drones can effectively eliminate the logjam that is typical of traditional collection methods. A drone can be deployed quickly and inexpensively, and the resulting data can be processed immediately using readily accessible, off-the-shelf software. One such application is Global Mapper from Blue Marble Geographics, and in this workshop, we will use this innovative tool to demonstrate the process for transforming simple drone-collected photographs into a stunning three-dimensional reconstruction of a target area.

David McKittrick


Mon statut pour la session


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