Aitor Alzaga, is
Coordinator of the research area of Information, Communication, Control and
Automation in IK4-TEKNIKER and Coordinator of Industry 4.0 solutions. With more
than 30 years in the R&D business, his major expertise is in the field of Digital
Factory, Machine health assessment and Cyber-physical systems.
Formerly director of Production Engineering
Department, where was involved in many initiatives to bring the ICT
technologies to the industrial production, leading the development of solutions
in the area of Flexible Manufacturing Systems), Manufacturing Operations
Management, Maintenance and Quality management, between others.
He has vast experience in leading national and international projects in the research areas previously mentioned and has worked closely with different companies and regional agencies to define strategies and roadmaps in the production engineering and innovation fields. He is graduated in Industrial Engineering from University of the Basque Country, Spain, and has completed the Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) Course in the University of Deusto, designed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard University.