Greet Brosens is Chief Architect for Digipolis Antwerp, the IT department of the City of Antwerp. She heads the team of Enterprise and Technical Architects. She is one of the authors of the Antwerp City Platform as a Service (ACPaaS). And she is closely involved in all the Smart City & IOT-related initiatives.
Greet joined Digipolis in 2013, taking up different roles in architecture, solution design, future vision and innovation. She has built up over 10 years of experience in the IT sector working for both private and public companies.
Sessions in which Greet Brosens participates
Wednesday 19 June, 2019
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institu...
Sessions in which Greet Brosens attends
Wednesday 19 June, 2019
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institu...
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017, we are now inviting you to join the next level of standards convergence to support cities & communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark - organised jointly by an alliance of international institutions and networks.
ABOUT After the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international insti...
Thursday 20 June, 2019
Presentation The IoT landscape is a very complex one and the IoT standardisation is no different. However, standards are paying an increased role in the set-up, design and development of the IoT systems. IoT Standardisation is following the evolution of IoT and the technical issues that have to be addressed and resolved. IoT standards are not just providing various communications solutions but address more globally all the issues of in...
In this session, an overview of the IoT development strategies both in South Korea and European Union will be presented and discussed with representatives of the leading organizations driving the efforts. From South Korea, Dr. Inhyok Cha, Sr. Executive Advisor of SK Telecom and Chair of External Relations Subcommittee of the Korean Smart Cities Special Committee under the Presidential Office will provide a view from one of...
What market incentives do we have and need to reach the goals of “DDD” - Decarbonisation, Digitalisation and Decentralisation? What ecosystem enablement, what investment, what level of scale-ups, and tools do we need to build Energy Marketplaces? What are the requirements form the investment community? Are enabling technologies ready for the challenge? Are communities, citizens and the public sector ready for the challenge?
ABOUTAfter the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institu...
ABOUT After the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international insti...
The potential of AI is now widely understood, not only in Europe but globally. As industry and corporations race to make the most of the emerging opportunities, there remains one problem: the availability of data. Due to a lack of trust, standard frameworks and legal and ethical uncertainties, a lot of valuable data that is already being exchanged in established data value chains and automated networks, is not being exploited outside of its primary purpose. As...
ABOUT After the successful launch of the first edition of the workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities & Communities Convergence” at IoT Week 2017 in Geneva, and the two-day follow-up in Bilbao in 2018, we are now inviting you to join the next level of convergence to support cities and communities at IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark – organised jointly by an alliance of international institutions and networks.
After two successful editions in Geneva and Bilbao, this edition of the scientific conference will present scientific papers on the most recent IoT research and will celebrate new partnerships that bring together industries, academia and the society.This year, IoT solutions become a game changer for everyone – individuals and business – to comply and fulfil SDGs faster and smarter.