Digital Signatures for Marketplaces

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Digital Signatures for services (banking, payment, energy, education, care, mobility, connectivity…) and Digital Signatures for architectures (virtual and analogue enablers of connectivity) are defined by stakeholders that organize themselves, ICANN style, without any commercial intent to take profit elsewhere. They are a tool to complement current actions on procurement and local agency as in this kind of SLA it does not matter that the original data sets and analytical platforms are not under your control. In this manner local stakeholders are a priority part of building the next layer of value, naming the new entities that are formed when AI inspired intelligence starts to see patterns unrecognizable before.
In order to create open service creation platforms (for example take the learnings with you in/of a connected car), free flow of data is not enough. In line with the @NGI4EU work on ‘event identities’ (temporary identities awarded to actors like persons, objects, robots and processes) the next level to address is how to create free flow of ‘meaning’, thus open API’s for algorithms and ethical standards in AI.
This session will then be about co-creating procedures for building Digital Signatures for Marketplaces. Marketplace are instrumental for new data-driven business models. We assume Open Marketplaces will benefit from network effects.
How can we onboard companies with leading data marketplaces such as Verisk Analytics, Chordant, ConVEx, Ford Mobility Europe, Hyundai Motor America, Uber Movement Cities?
How are the concepts of data utility and datatrust as bottom-up mechanisms whereby data-subjects choose to pool their data within the legal framework of the Trust, relevant?
Delacroix, Sylvie and Lawrence, Neil, Disturbing the ‘One Size Fits All’, Feudal Approach to Data Governance: Bottom-Up Data Trusts (October 12, 2018). Available at SSRN:
Bas Boorsma: Towards a Data Utility